Sunday, April 15, 2012

Homework: CHECK!!

So, our signed LOA arrived back at our agency on Friday. Hopefully they have either sent it or are going to send it to USCIS tomorrow. Our wonderful agency also gave us some homework. I have been working overtime this weekend and completed it all!! YAY!! The only thing that needs to be done is for us to get a few of the forms notarized tomorrow, make some copies of the forms, and then Fed Ex them to our agency so they will be there waiting for when our I800 approval comes. I am a little nervous about the next few steps, but I think we will get through them okay. I am just not familiar with what needs to be done. I have some nifty charts and a website to direct me, so we will survive. We are still over the moon to have some movement going on!! Once our I800 approval is given, then we will send off for our visas for our exciting!! I am ready for this week!! Blessings, Tasha

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That is EXACTLY what I did this weekend!!! All I have left is to notarize the forms, copy everything and shoot it off to CCAI!!! :) Woohoooo!!!